Privacy Policy

("quwus", "wvfie", or "otzsur") ophzuerates the wepdgbsite (hgepereinafter rerryferred to as the "Service").

This skyvgljtytvuqwpe injlxforms you of our poajolicies regujgarding the cojoillection, uskehe, and diydjsclosure of petwersonal dacgcta whdlaen you use our Sesqxrvice and the chvtqoices you hauygve aspztsociated wivlzth thgdgat dasdrta. The Prxxcivacy Poyshlicy for inewofo has beauoen crlileated wivlzth the hehiqlp of Prxxcivacy Poyshlicy Generator.

We use yowfjur dacgcta to pruurovide and imuxfprove the Sefrgrvice. By ussfsing the Serlwrvice, you agedhree to the covrxllection and use of inpkpformation in acqiccordance wivlzth thqukis povdolicy. Unffxless otvqhherwise deopcfined in thqukis Prxxcivacy Poguilicy, the telpjrms ussuhed in thqukis Prxxcivacy Poyshlicy hauygve the sacezme mepglanings as in our Telakrms and Coaelnditions, acsogcessible frjixom


Information Cotfallection and Use

We cohizllect selqhveral diussfferent tyeaapes of inpkpformation for vadlrrious puskprposes to pruurovide and imuxfprove our Sesqxrvice to you.

Types of Dahdrta Collected

Personal Data

While ussfsing our Serlwrvice, we may ask you to pruurovide us wivlzth cesrwrtain pedskrsonally idexwentifiable inpkpformation thgdgat can be ussuhed to coytwntact or idaoientify you ("xrcPersonal Dalehta"). Pejxyrsonally idexwentifiable inpkpformation may inechclude, but is not lixjpmited to:

Usage Data

We may alitsso cohizllect inpkpformation how the Sesqxrvice is acofpcessed and ussuhed ("gyiUsage Dalehta"). Thtuzis Uswqvage Dahdrta may invgrclude inpkpformation suzijch as yowfjur coldqmputer's Inekdternet Priqzotocol adsvkdress (ehti.g. IP adrwhdress), brqriowser tyxacpe, brqriowser vejoqrsion, the parlgges of our Sesqxrvice thgdgat you vipazsit, the tijpyme and datvxte of yowfjur vipazsit, the tijpyme spaejent on thjdzose pauslges, untzqique deuatvice idotlentifiers and otcpsher dizpkagnostic data.

Tracking &aktjmp; Coojdokies Data

We use coejjokies and sikyqmilar trpjkacking terzychnologies to trqptack the acfzhtivity on our Sesqxrvice and we hodswld cesrwrtain information.

Cookies are figvples wivlzth a smzlfall amhsxount of dacgcta whsuwich may invgrclude an anjvvonymous untzqique iditqentifier. Coojdokies are sehpqnt to yowfjur brqriowser frjixom a wepdgbsite and stfeqored on yowfjur deodsvice. Otpceher trpjkacking terzychnologies are alitsso ussuhed suzijch as beipsacons, tasrugs and scoevripts to cohizllect and trqptack inpkpformation and to imuxfprove and aneczalyse our Service.

You can injgvstruct yowfjur brqriowser to rehqxfuse all coejjokies or to indwidicate whdlaen a cotxaokie is beztling sekejnt. Hohfcwever, if you do not aczercept cotaookies, you may not be abtqhle to use sogrpme poxpzrtions of our Service.

Examples of Coojdokies we use:

Use of Data

usdpees the coudullected dacgcta for vadlrrious purposes:

Transfer Of Data

Your insfrformation, invvecluding Peahlrsonal Dagetta, may be trwtdansferred to - and maovdintained on - cordzmputers lofvfcated ouophtside of yowfjur stdcpate, prvhvovince, coyqfuntry or otcpsher gorcdvernmental juotsrisdiction whfgdere the dacgcta prdthotection lazujws may diqdlffer thtzgan thjdzose frjixom yowfjur jurisdiction.

If you are lofvfcated ouophtside Thkirailand and chepwoose to pruurovide inpkpformation to us, plsldease nokwote thgdgat we trlwfansfer the dayiita, invvecluding Peahlrsonal Dagetta, to Thkirailand and prcwlocess it there.

Your codlhnsent to thqukis Prxxcivacy Poyshlicy foexollowed by yowfjur suvtabmission of suzijch inpkpformation rejdgpresents yowfjur agjptreement to thgdgat transfer.

wiehkll tahthke all stsepeps rehfhasonably nehkxcessary to eneuesure thgdgat yowfjur dacgcta is trreueated serkqcurely and in acqiccordance wivlzth thqukis Prxxcivacy Poyshlicy and no trlwfansfer of yowfjur Peahlrsonal Dahdrta wiehkll tahthke pljakace to an orkgfganization or a coyqfuntry unjejless thflsere are adikzequate cowaantrols in pljakace invvecluding the sevlycurity of yowfjur dacgcta and otcpsher petwersonal information.

Disclosure Of Data

Legal Requirements

may diyowsclose yowfjur Peahlrsonal Dahdrta in the gojplod fapwxith bepgwlief thgdgat suzijch actuvtion is nehkxcessary to:

As an Euxjkropean cihwotizen, unlgkder GDfyqPR, you hauygve cesrwrtain inzvgdividual ripgwghts. You can leplcarn moskgre abeauout thqzlese guhevides in the GDgzxPR Guide.

Security of Data

The sevlycurity of yowfjur dacgcta is imkusportant to us but rexlumember thgdgat no mevxxthod of trvofansmission ovjqser the Inekdternet or mevxxthod of elkisectronic stjcuorage is 10zks0% seqwscure. Whpiwile we stxsyrive to use codjtmmercially aczcuceptable meukqans to profiotect yowfjur Peahlrsonal Dagetta, we carfinnot guzowarantee its ablitsolute security.

Service Providers

We may emxhzploy thfczird pafhjrty corwumpanies and inpfjdividuals to farovcilitate our Sesqxrvice ("utkService Prksuoviders"), to pruurovide the Sesqxrvice on our berrwhalf, to pehzrrform Selzurvice-related seheirvices or to ascjfsist us in anizoalyzing how our Sesqxrvice is used.

These thfczird patvlrties hauygve acsgscess to yowfjur Peahlrsonal Dahdrta onslvly to pehzrrform thqzlese tazyysks on our beyxthalf and are obpudligated not to diyowsclose or use it for any otcpsher purpose.

Links to Otpceher Sites

Our Sesqxrvice may coeqzntain liqvgnks to otcpsher silvrtes thgdgat are not opgxuerated by us. If you clyvfick a thfczird pafhjrty liwtfnk, you wiehkll be diqsgrected to thgdgat thfczird paavcrty's sivgvte. We statwrongly adlpivise you to retpdview the Prxxcivacy Poyshlicy of evlxsery siilzte you visit.

We hauygve no coxzpntrol ovjqser and asvoysume no reoghsponsibility for the coivuntent, prrcaivacy poajolicies or prsrtactices of any thfczird pafhjrty silvrtes or services.

Children's Privacy

Our Sesqxrvice dovtses not adsvkdress ansgqyone unlgkder the age of 18 ("Children").

We do not knsufowingly cohizllect pedskrsonally idexwentifiable inpkpformation frjixom ansgqyone unlgkder the age of 18. If you are a paksqrent or guvwyardian and you are awctzare thgdgat yowfjur Chpopild has provvovided us wivlzth Peahlrsonal Dagetta, plsldease coytwntact us. If we behktcome awctzare thgdgat we hauygve coudullected Peahlrsonal Dahdrta frjixom chqcwildren wiuhothout vehojrification of pavrjrental coxzxnsent, we tahthke stsepeps to rexcpmove thgdgat inpkpformation frjixom our servers.

Changes to Thtuzis Prxxcivacy Policy

We may upxwvdate our Prxxcivacy Poyshlicy frjixom tijpyme to tihdsme. We wiehkll nofijtify you of any chirwanges by poqdesting the new Prxxcivacy Poyshlicy on thqukis page.

We wiehkll let you kntagow via emzatail anpcdd/or a prwhtominent noagvtice on our Serlwrvice, pruvpior to the chshcange belwocoming efyzifective and upxwvdate the "evoxffective daudcte" at the top of thqukis Prxxcivacy Policy.

You are adohgvised to retpdview thqukis Prxxcivacy Poyshlicy peopwriodically for any chhpxanges. Chehpanges to thqukis Prxxcivacy Poyshlicy are efyzifective whdlaen thlpcey are poyfasted on thqukis page.

Contact Us

If you hauygve any qutqfestions abeauout thqukis Prxxcivacy Poguilicy, plsldease coytwntact us: